Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Did I Just See Sanity? (Cain)

The Market Ticker

Well blow me down.

Herman Cain, running for President (R), said the following:

The plan begins with restructuring the tax code to include the broadest possible base at the lowest possible rate. The elements are:

A 9% corporate flat tax. Businesses would deduct purchases from other businesses and all capital investment. The resulting gross income is taxed at 9%.

A 9% personal flat tax. Individuals would deduct charitable contributions, then pay 9% on the rest of their income. Capital gains are excluded.

A 9% national sales tax. This levy would be placed on the consumption of all new goods. Used goods purchased would be excluded.

Ok, a hybrid tax plan. Eh, I might be able to support that. But that's not news.

THIS is news:

But these policies must be coupled with sound money. A dollar must be worth the same tomorrow as it is today.

Wait a second... you mean this law will be given teeth?

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee shall maintain long run growth of the monetary and credit aggregates commensurate with the economy's long run potential to increase production, so as to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.

You make that underlined clause the centerpiece of the campaign, including an explicit promise to criminalize currency debasement (that is, inflation) and you've got my vote.

I suggest that the penalty be identical to that of the original Currency Act (hanging, preferably on The Mall at high noon.)



  1. Business taxes *ARE* a consumption tax!


    ERGO, Business taxes should be abolished!

    Further, taxing them on their GROSS is idiotic as well! Tax them on their NET, IF YOU MUST!

    ALSO, 9% on ALL consumption is pretty damn steep! It would harm the market, especially for big-ticket items, and increase demand for used goods thus driving up THOSE prices as well!

    Why not a simple flat-tax -say 10%- on all income/dividends/etc *INCLUDING* cap-gains when they are cashed-out? This would ENCOURAGE continued investment and let folks roll gains into new investment without tax penalty!

    THAT its how you get business moving!

  2. Also - 10% flat-tax on EVERYONE - this makes sure EVERYONE has some skin in the game while still putting bigger burden on richer folks...

    No more "zero-liability-voters!"

  3. increase demand for used goods thus driving up THOSE prices as well!

    That is exactly what I thought when I read it. Used goods are always good to go for me. As far as a flat tax is concerned, how will that play out with those on fixed incomes whose income has been figured before on no tax?

  4. Oh goody! And we get to keep the Federal Reserve System! Sorry folks, but Agenda 21 and the Federal Reserve System as it is can not coexist. McCain is just blowing smoke on all those ignorant Tea Partiers.

  5. As I am sure you know, he was part of it before.
