Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy Bill of Rights Day!

Celebrate Bill of Rights Day on December 15, 2011 and help guarantee our freedoms endure!

The amendments in the Bill of Rights do not “give” anyone anything. However, the Bill of Rights protections do stop the government from doing certain things. This kind of limited government is the essence of liberty: the freedom to act without unauthorized restraint.

The addition of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution was celebrated as a victory for the champions of individual liberty. But for the Bill of Rights to remain more than what Madison referred to as a “parchment barrier,” citizens must understand the content and meaning.



  1. How f***ing SICK that this will probably be the day that Uhhhhhh'Bama signs his "gestapo" bill...

    Almost as great as announcing he was breaking our promise to Poland (in re: missile defense) on the day Russia invaded...i

  2. He's trying to outdo the Tyrant Lincoln.
