Wednesday, December 14, 2011

You've got to wake up.

Via Survival

"It is obvious what's been going on. You have to start acknowledging these people for what they are, and that is moral degenerates who are basically sociopaths and psychopaths. Meaning they don’t feel any sympathy or empathy for other human beings. The only thing they care about is themselves. They will do anything. They will steal. They will lie. They will cheat. They will lie to your face. They will look in the camera with this tremendous earnestness and lie with fork tongues through their teeth in order to advance their wealth and power.

And if we, as a people, don’t get real about this, if we keep having these Pollyanna visions that these people are all on our side and they are really looking out for us, and they are doing the best they can. [Then] we will be cork screwed into the ground and this nation will be reduced to a smoldering rubble. You've got to wake up."

-- Ann Barnhardt


  1. How does one convince his WIFE - who does nothing but go to work and come home to stare into the idiot-box for several hours - that we need to liquidate all our accounts?

    If you DO have any advice for me, you'll need to break it into commercial-sized chunks because you don't DARE interrupt "Glee" or "Two Broke Sluts"

    Actually you'd better make those chunks at say ~90 seconds since she'll need to "go potty" a couple of times an hour as well...

    If I even broach the subject I'm usually met with "Oh, Jeez... Here we go again with the tin-foil-hat crap... Don't you know that crap you read on the internet is just STUPID?!"

    I spend my time (probably too much of it) following what's REALLY happening out there - she can't be bothered to watch half of a (propaganda-ministry) news program ("My SHOWS are on!!!!") but *I* am the one who doesn't know what's going on out there?

    I've done (And continue to DO) the best I can to get us "prepared" but...

    All suggestions welcome!

  2. You got a long row to hoe, me thinks.:)I just do what I can afford to do. Vietnamese wives are not interested in politics or government and think their husbands should take care of these things including voting for them.:)
