Your average member of the lunchpailetariat is acutely aware that those who are presently in charge of the Democratic Party hate him. Rednecks are villainized in the media, in academia, and in the private lives of folks who think they know better because of their sociology class. Many of the problems minorities experience in American society are laid at the feet of working-class white people. The irony is that these pallid scapegoats are politically powerless, unlike the latte tribe that demonizes them. Hating rednecks is the anti-Semitism of Democratic asses.
--Scott Locklin,
Harvard Business Review - Diversity training doesn't extinguish prejudice. It promotes it. A study of 829 companies over 31 years showed that diversity training had “no positive effects in the average workplace.” Millions of dollars a year were spent on the training resulting in, well, nothing. Attitudes—and the diversity of the organizations—remained the same. [Half way to understanding]
--Peter Bregman,
The Supreme Court is not the sole arbiter of Constitutionality. It was written for the people and finally to be enforced by them. I have no faith in justices, they are removed from the conditions we, the people, are subject to. They too often see wisdom in their own thoughts and too rarely see the folly. You, Sir and Madame, are the Supreme Court. You always have been.
--T. Davis,
Said Thursday - Virtually the entire non-parked naval fleet will be in the Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf in the next 4-6 days, where 3 aircraft carriers and one big-deck amphibious warfare ship are just waiting for the order. [And the US/UK are releasing stocks from the strategic oil reserves]
--Tyler Durden,
Paraphrasing Daron Acemoglu - He, like a select few others, believes that TPTB have lost control of the propaganda war, as the masses realize a large gap between what they're being told by the media and government officials, lose confidence in the very structure and foundation of the system, and that given this awakening taking place, TPTB that rely on the Fed Reserve as their wealth transfer mechanism can no longer afford to try to slowly simmer the frogs, and a quick boil it will have to be... He's not saying we're headed for a depression, but rather, a total collapse.
--TruthInSunshine, comment at
The bureaucratic elites of the former Soviet Union turned on the system and quickly gutted it through privatization, when their privileges were reduced... The big question for those of us in the US/EU is whether we are seeing this process at work in our system. Are the government/business elites turning against the system?
--John Robb,
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