Saturday, July 28, 2012

Socialized Medicine Promoted At Opening Of Olympics


Freedom Outpost

The 2012 Summer Olympic Games opened on Friday evening in London, England with a celebration of free healthcare among many other social issues like the trade union struggle, the battle for women’s rights and an uncensored lesbian kiss.

Oscar-winning British director Danny Boyle caught flack from the British political right claiming that he had slipped over into “lefty” issues. Aidan Burley, a lawmaker in the Conservative party, tweeted,

“The most leftie opening ceremony I have ever seen — more than Beijing, the capital of a communist state! Welfare tribute next?” Don’t hold your breath Mr. Burley, that may be on the agenda.

Some on the left, including Alastair Campbell, former communications chief for Tony Blair, and Cameron Downing applauded the ceremony on Twitter:

“Brilliant that we got a socialist to do the opening ceremony.”

“The opening ceremony has been a great showcase for this country. It’s more proof Britain can deliver.

“The most leftie opening ceremony I have ever seen — more than Beijing, the capital of a communist state! Welfare tribute next?” Don’t hold your breath Mr. Burley, that may be on the agenda.

Some on the left, including Alastair Campbell, former communications chief for Tony Blair, and Cameron Downing applauded the ceremony on Twitter:

Boyle claimed that he was not pushing a political agenda. He said,

“The sensibility of the show is very personal.”

“A group of us have created it, but we had no agenda other than… values that we feel are true. Not everybody will love that but people will be able to recognise as being honest and truthful really. I felt that very strongly. There is no bull***t in it, and there is no point-making either.”

No, now who would think there was any agenda in any of these things that were promoted in the opening ceremony? To say such things insults our intelligence.

While there is no doubt that the opening of the ceremony was spectacular in the fireworks, choreography and all of the stage show, what was presented was clearly political and clearly had an agenda.

Britain is a country that has embraced socialized medicine for several decades and though you have outlets such as The Guardian declaring that citizens receive same or next day health care, they don’t tell you that they are running in the billions on deficits because of healthcare, which means that things may be well for while, but eventually you have to pay the bill.

Tad Cronn also points out:

According to surveys of the British medical system:

Only 10 percent of hospitals met hygiene standards.
About 20 percent of hospitals did not properly sterilize medical instruments.
One in 8 did not properly isolate patients with infectious disaeases.
One in 5 patients being treated for bypass surgery did not receive proper care. Among those who died, many of them did so because the staff were slow to recognize deteriorating symptoms and there were delays in getting doctors to see them.

By the way, did each of those beds represent one of the 130,000 seniors they killed this year to make room for more patients? Or maybe they represented the patients doctors had to prescribe water for to make sure hospital staff didn’t let them die of simple dehydration.

All of this looks great in the latest cartoon or movie, but in real life things are much more than the fantasy land know as the Liberal Utopia.”


  1. ...ahem....pardon me while I stick my finger down my throat so I can vomit...damn English...the best thing we ever did was run them out of our country.

    Miss Violet

  2. & they gave up their guns.

    The British Called - They Want Their Guns Back

    1. I know, them and the Aussies. It's hard to feel sorry for them.

      Miss Violet
