Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Washington Trials


Is now the time for all good men and women to realize that the future is in our hands? Not the hands of politicians whose ambition and greed have bankrupted our nation and enslaved our children. It is in our hands as given to us at the founding of our nation. I purposely did not say the United States since our nation was founded on natural law and Sacred honor first; then the Articles of Confederation and finally the Constitution which gives us our current system of government.

Or does it?

After watching the video below, I can only surmise that Janet Napolitano is guilty of treason. Her indignation at allowing confidential information to be compromised without repercussions is matched only by her arrogance.

Gohmert Holds DHS Secretary Napolitano Accountable

Does anyone feel that the Department of Homeland Security has the safety of the American people as their true mission? Let’s consider asking how secure the people in Arizona currently feel based on their punishment for trying to enforce federal laws. Napolitano’s “testimony” supports an agenda shared by the Muslim Brotherhood, not our national security. Shakespeare’s Hamlet has an excellent phrase for her testimony:

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

As does John McCain and several other politicians whose response to the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in our government will also be shown to be treasonous. Which brings me to the point: when (not if) the government collapses due to this infiltration, bankruptcy and/or civil unrest, what will happen next?

Let’s look back to history for a possible outcome: the Nuremberg Trials:

No trial provides a better basis for understanding the nature and causes of evil than do the Nuremberg trials from 1945 to 1949. Those who come to the trials expecting to find sadistic monsters are generally disappointed. What is shocking about Nuremberg is the ordinariness of the defendants: men who may be good fathers, kind to animals, even unassuming–yet who committed unspeakable crimes. Years later, reporting on the trial of Adolf Eichmann, Hannah Arendt wrote of “the banality of evil.” Like Eichmann, most Nuremberg defendants never aspired to be villains. Rather, they over-identified with an ideological cause and suffered from a lack of imagination or empathy: they couldn’t fully appreciate the human consequences of their career-motivated decisions.

American excellence must be restored with Sacred honor, courage and justice. We have three options ahead of us:

1. We can let the people responsible for the destruction of our country go free in an effort to start fresh.

2. We can engage in vigilante justice.

3. We can put them on trial.

Option number 1 is the easy way out. But then I remember Pastor Bonhoeffer’s words:

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.

There is no honor in this option: evil must be confronted and held accountable. We cannot rebuild our nation on shifting sand.

Option number 2 also is an easy way out: Wipe evil out as quickly as possible and move on. The problem again is the issue of Sacred honor. Vengeance is not justice. As Eric Holder has shown the nation how little the administration regards the concept of justice; we cannot abandon one of our highest principles. Without the rule of law, there cannot be a Republic.

Which brings us to option 3. We currently have no rule of law in the United States and therefore no Republic. We see the consequences of lawlessness and its support by the government every day with their policy of social justice based on mitigating factors. The Constitution has been usurped as has our Liberty by vain and aspiring men holding the highest offices of the land. And we put them there. That is why we must hold those responsible for their actions accountable: with mercy and justice. We must prove to the world that our founding principles were not abandoned and show that we will make the hard decisions and sacrifices to prove it.

The Nuremberg Trials accomplished this goal by showing the world that evil men must be held accountable for their actions. I want to recommend that these trials be held in Washington, DC. If we are to rebuild our future, let us start by restoring the name and honor of George Washington. Who among us now regards “Washington” with honor based on the actions of our “leaders”?

The arrogance shown by Janet Napolitano is rampant in our nation’s Capital. Who associates the names of Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton and Valerie Jarrett with honor? The complete list is not short but let us hope that “The Washington Trials” will be the option America chooses to start a future built on a solid foundation.

David DeGerolamo


  1. I am astounded. Between this tool and Holder, there is not an ounce of character. Disgusting. -55six

  2. Where is the Mafia when you need them the most.......?

  3. Someone needs to figure out the dope. A good spotter is worth their weight in SMKs.

  4. Dave is a good man Blue and the one who gave the BofA presentation at our PATCON.

  5. We're going to need a *LOT* of rope!

  6. As I've said before, I've got the trees.:)
