Thursday, November 15, 2012

Benghazi: a Recap (Part I)

Via kateshon

 What happened in Benghazi (the looting of the CIA ‘annex’ and the murders of Ambassador Stevens, officer Steve Smith, and ex-SEALS Glen Dougherty and Ty Woods) lies at the center of three major lines of force, which all seem to converge towards Turkey: the Libyan government, the Obama regime, and the Syrian Civil War.

To understand Benghazi we need to consider the possibility of an alliance between the Obama regime, the interim government of Libya, and the Turkish government of Erdogan — with al-Qaeda looming in the shadows.

First things first: between 19:30 and 20:30, Ambassador Christopher Stevens meets Turkish Consul General Ali Akin Sait. Then the American escorts the Turk to the door of the so-called ‘consulate’ to say goodbye. “Everything is calm at 8:30 PM. There is nothing unusual,” according to a briefing from the U.S. State Department. BUT Associated Press (AP) reported a testimony from neighbors, Libyans in Benghazi who live next to the ‘consulate,’ according to which

More @ In-Extremis 

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