Monday, February 25, 2013

A Failure Of Civility

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$35.00, but seems it may be well worth it, reading the comments and so forth.

A Book Review by Matt Bracken
First, let me apologize for the poor writing quality of this review. Normally, I write an essay and spend days and days polishing it. Not this time. I’m currently in between my “pretty” essays, but this review is just pure business, like a claw hammer you picked up at Home Depot to bang nails. Pretty has nothing to do with it, so let’s get on with the job.

Second, let me apologize to the other very kind authors who have sent me their books to review over the past months. I have read them all, most of them are worthy of their own reviews, and I hope to get to them when I can.

A few months ago, I received a copy of the new book “A Failure of Civility,” by Mike Garand and Jack Lawson. It is subtitled “How to defend and protect you, your family, friends, neighborhood and America during a disaster or crisis.” Other than receiving this unsolicited book in the mail, a book I had never even heard of before that moment, I have no connection whatsoever to the authors or to the book.

“A Failure of Civility” grabbed my attention on the first page. It begins, “A few notes to our readers…. Consider reading this book as if the authors have parachuted into your backyard as special operations soldiers to assist you in forming a cooperative protection of your neighborhood. That’s one of the things that special ops soldiers are best at…covert insertion into isolated areas to train people in how to defend themselves against inequitable justice and malicious aggression. The authors’ combined life experiences, military and law enforcement, span 80 years. With this book, we give you the tools of knowledge to enable you to teach you and others how to defend yourselves, your family and neighbors. We want you to help save lives and to keep America strong.”

Wow, what a tall order! As a long-ago Navy frogman, I wondered if they could truly match that claim in their book. They do, and much more. I read the book cover to cover—twice!—in the first week.

More @ WRSA


  1. Bought this book a couple of months ago. Never really got around to "seriously" reading it. After reading Matt's review yesterday over at WRSA I pulled it out and started reading from page 1. Although I have never had the honor of serving my country, and therefore have had no "formal" military training, the way in which this book is written allows even me to understand the basic "military" principles presented.

    Alan S. Pedersen
    III Congressional Delegate, SC
    Fort Mill, SC

  2. I am reading this book right now. I think it has some great words of wisdom in it and that it is especially helpful for people who have no military/leo experience. You can take the lessons in this book and use it in different ways. I also like the no BS factor in this book, it tells it like it is, there are no "prettyfied" instances in there.
    Miss Violet

    1. Although I have never had the honor of serving my country, and therefore have had no "formal" military training, the way in which this book is written allows even me to understand the basic "military" principles presented.

      Very good.
      You can take the lessons in this book and use it in different ways.

      Interesting, not what I had expected.

  3. One thing I forgot to mention is this book is aimed primarily for people in a heavy population/suburbs area bugging in there. There are lessons in the book though that us rural people can use though.
    Miss Violet

    1. There are lessons in the book though that us rural people can use though.

      A reminder to shoot all who cometh to loot, I guess. Keep forgetting.........:)

  4. My caution on the book is that it's emphasis is on building a neighborhood watch group, so to speak. The book sets out discussing how to organize your neighbors into a dedicated tribe of defenders.

    I was impressed with some of the books topics. But had a hard time with the extensive efforts the authors outlined as necessary to defend one's AO.

    If you want to be the neighborhood organizer for a SHTF scenario, this is the book to read. If you're willing to give up your daily routines and regimens to get you and your neighbors working 24/7 you've found your bible.

    "A Failure of Civility" deserves a place in one's reference library. But for me....I'll take my chances with a few nearby friends and leave my neighbors to fend on their own.

    1. I'll take my chances with a few nearby friends and leave my neighbors to fend on their own.

      Agreed. A few good families in one location.
