Tuesday, July 30, 2013



  1. And you are shocked WHY? It is what it is. It has allways been this violent thing, and will allways be so. One day it will grow large and hunt the weak and timid things, with others of its kind, until it is killed or placed in a cage with others like it. It cannot change and we cannot change it. We should stop trying.

    1. The ones I grew up with were not like that, but that was back when the world was sane.

  2. that animal will grow and hunt larger game, it feeds on hatred and vile thoughts.

    1. The larger game has been waiting and ready for quite some time.

    2. No PM It feeds on Cocain, Pot, Whores, pimping, violence, "40s" welfare and riddlin. No amount of hippie- brotherly love-good vibe-government mandated "right think" can change that. I watched the riots first hand in the 60s. My mother was a freedom rider. I grew up knowing (and having dinner with) MLK ,Rev. Abernathy, Jessy Jackson, Bishop Tu Tu and many others. The black community is what it is, and It has ALLWAYS been violent. The whites just didn't care before now, because we lived apart.(As far as I can tell "the hood" is exactly the same right now as it was in 1966. Or for that matter 1936. White law just didn't care back then) But there is nothing that anyone can do that will change the violence that blacks perpetuate on each other. We have "run" in "white flight" to escape them. But we dare not say it for fear of being called RACIST. But please feel free to go spend the night in any major US city's "hood" then come back(if you can) and tell me I'm a "racist" and "its all my fault" or how I need to feel "White guilt" because I feel no pity at all for these "poor urban youths". I grew up around the "urban black" community. They are what they are. They have allways been and will allways be. Nothing that anyone can ever do will change that. We have destroyed our nation trying to "change" and "educate" to "lift out of poverty" people who don't want our "help" and hate us for doing it almost as much as they hate each other.

    3. I remember MLK and his "peaceful resistance" balk! where ever he went riots and mayhem followed. peaceful my ass.

    4. Believe I missed a lot of that being in Vietnam and interested in other things.

  3. This truly saddens me. I see a young boy that was robbed of any future except crime and probably an early death. Take a good look liberals it is your policies that have devastated the black communities. From its beginnings in the early 60s with the “Great Society” and war on poverty until today’s welfare and SNAP cards everything has been done to destroy the black family. With the destruction if the black family it was easy to destroy the black culture. Now with the black culture destroyed it was simple for politicians and the race baiting industry to take a proud culture and turn it into victims. With over 70% of black babies being born without a father they are guaranteed a life of poverty. But not just blacks fall into this category whites and every other race. A single mom having a child without a father is a promise that child will grow up disadvantaged due to poverty regardless of race.

    The entertainment industry and music companies have glorified crime and violence. Then packaged it in a slick “rapper” and spoon-feed it to our children glamorizing the “gangsta” lifestyle. Yet when called on the issue they weasel out saying there is no connection. Songs and movies do not influence the children and anyway that it is up to the parents…oops parent to police. Let me think about that for oh a nano-second. Corporations spend hundreds of billions of dollars packaging a message in a 15 to 30 second spot to influence people. However, a 2-hour movie or 5-minute song does not influence. Either corporations are stupid to waste their money on advertising or the movies and songs do influence children, you can choose only one not both.


  4. There was a rabid animal, right here in a town of 500 souls-a Baptist town, massacred two young women, doesn't matter the color. Why shouldn't rabid animals be put down?

