Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Family Raided by SWAT Team for “Weeds”

Via avordvet

A family with a passion for gardening and conscious living was raided by the Arlington SWAT team early Friday morning. All 8 adults present in the house were initially handcuffed at the gunpoint of heavily armed SWAT officers, including the mother of a 22 month old and a two week old baby who was separated from her children during the raid. I had a chance to interview Quinn who gave me his first hand account of the raid and the background behind it all.

  Here is their press release: At around seven thirty last Friday morning, inhabitants of The Garden of Eden, a small Intentional Community based on Sustainability, were awakened by a SWAT raid conducted by the City of Arlington for suspicion of being a full fledged marijuana growth and trafficking operation. Ultimately only a single arrest was made based on unrelated outstanding traffic violations, a handful of citations were given for city code violations, and zero drug related violations were found.


  1. See my last post!! E'FF em'!!! SWAT RAID for overgrown lawn??????? (supposed MJ grow operation)
    I guess dem' wacked wanna B'operator's got to work the steroids outta' der' systems....

    1. A SWAT raid for what they thought was the hanging offense of growing infernal, family breaking, horrendous, hallucinating grass, talk about misplaced priorities.

    2. We will all be raided. That's why we have SWAT teams. To a hammer everything looks like a nail.
