Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Obamacare Provision: “Forced” Home Inspections

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 “Clearly, any family may be visited by federally paid agents for almost any reason.” According to an Obamacare provision millions of Americans will be targeted. The Health and Human Services’ website states that your family will be targeted if you fall under the “high-risk” categories below:

Families where mom is not yet 21. Families where someone is a tobacco user. Families where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or disabilities. Families with individuals who are serving or formerly served in the armed forces, including such families that have members of the armed forces who have had multiple deployments outside the United States. There is no reference to Medicaid being the determinant for a family to be “eligible.”


  1. Utter and ABSOLUTE Bull S*it!!!
    ("we have to pass the bill, so that we can find out what's in it")!!
    E'FF these freaking s*itbirds!!!

    1. "we have to pass the bill, so that we can find out what's in it"

      Couldn't make that up.
