Sunday, September 29, 2013

Monckton: “Forget the dollar. It is finished."


Christopher Monckton of Brenchley – who advised Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, wrote for the Yorkshire Post, was managing editor of the Telegraph Sunday Magazine and is now a columnist for WND – long has warned that the West is on a terminal financial course, from which recovery eventually will not be possible.

In a recent commentary, he wrote that it’s not a matter of “whether but when.”

More than a year ago, he told WND that the financial collapse of the West was plausible based on its path at the time. He then adjusted the forecast from “plausible” and “likely” to “imminent.”

Specifically, he believes President Obama’s financial policies of unprecedented borrowing and spending, trillion-dollar deficits and massive outlays for social engineering are an “existential threat.”

“The gravy train has now tipped into the gulch. The cash for such criminal indulgences has run out. It is now time for governments everywhere to get a grip on the costs inflicted upon taxpayers by governmental employees at every level. Unless this is done, and very soon, the West will fail,” he said.

Now he’s moved beyond.

More @ WND


  1. There is a solution available, but it will be politically nearly impossible. That solution is to release the economy from government control, pump or frack as much gas and oil as possible, and simply eliminate what can be from the government, while reorganizing what must be kept to be affordable going forward. I still believe it can be done if done aggressively, but then again we have three more years (baring impeachment) of the America hating communist in the Oval Office. That might not be survivable.

  2. Might not be survivable? Like a 100 to 0 fourth quarter blowout, we are just playing out the clock. We are bankrupt, in the past tense. The only thing left to sort out is how severe the consequences will be, and who will pay them.

    Not that it matters much anymore, but focusing on Obama is a kill the messenger approach. Would a President Biden, or Reid, or Pelosi, or Kerry, or Gore, be any better? Unconstitutional government is the problem, and unfortunately the desire for more of it is equally strong in both parties.

    David Martin
