Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Resistance Has Begun

Via III Percent Patriots


Once again, we honor those who served their country, and world, seventy years ago

For the first time since the Tea Party element realized that something was seriously wrong in government, thereby becoming a part of the patriot/constitutionalist community, people were seen on the streets carrying something other than signs.  Though not quite on the level of rifles, or pitchforks, the idea that barricades could be returned to the White House, in protest of the childish actions of the Executive Branch of government, begins to show an advanced form of resistance to the misdeeds and shenanigans of government.


  1. Brock there was some sort of resistance movement out at Cape Lookout over the
    weekend but I don't know the details. The feds have stopped the private tour
    operators and private boat owners from landing on the island at Cape Lookout.
    Apparently a couple of dozen boats went out there over the weekend and openly defied
    the park rangers. That's all I know about it. Didn't hear of any arrests or anything.
