Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Via Blue

"A remarkable quote from president's speech last week further underscores the bankruptcy of progressivism. After once again blaming everyone else for the debacle of the website's rollout, he said something that should stun every American. 'What we're also discovering is that insurance is complicated to buy.' Obama and Democrats concoct a 2000 page healthcare bill and another 11,000 pages of regulations that apply to it, and the president is just now discovering that buying insurance is complicated? A gargantuan case of hubris, coupled with stunning level of ignorance about how the real world works, is the essence of progressivism. ...

Are you aware of that fact that even if this disaster comes to full flower, the Congressional Budget Office projects that 32 million people will still be uninsured ten years from now, even as an additional $1.8 trillion will be spent by the federal government to achieve that result? How come our progressive champions never mention that reality? Because, in the end, what's going on isn't really about healthcare. It's about control. And if 32 million people are left out in the cold? So what."

~~Arnold Ahlert


  1. Brock , Obama care is doing EXACTLY what it was made to do. It is destroying the entire healthcare system in the fastest way possible. The "great plan" is succeeding , Soon ether Obama gets his insurrection, the health care system collapses or, the money collapses-- ether way he declares Martial Law , and himself God King. PT buddy . Train hard, times just about up.
