Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Virginia Governor Race: Libertarian Candidate Robert Sarvis Funded by Obama Campaign Bundler


Recently, Ben Swann asked why alleged Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis was being shut out of the debate for governor of Virginia. I think Swann made some excellent points. However, even among libertarians and other political pundits, there were questions regarding whether or not Sarvis was a libertarian. Now, it's come to light that Sarvis' campaign received his largest independent expenditure of $11,500 from Libertarian Booster PAC, and Austin, Texas based super PAC and the primary funder is Joe Liemandt, who donated between $100-$200K to Barack Obama's re-election.

Many had a problem with Sarvis running and this was their concern. I suppose I would have a similar concern, but was more concerned with the issue of someone else's ideas being shut out of debate.

With that in mind, things should be out on the table. After all, this is what Libertarians and true conservatives want to see, ie. Real transparency.

The $11.5K given to Sarvis was allegedly to get his name on the ballot through petition and to produce campaign materials.

Mr. Liemandt is a software billionaire who owns Trilogy. His contributions are more than half of the super PAC's operating revenue of $229,000. He contributed $150,000.

According to Meredith Jessup at The Blaze:

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