Thursday, December 19, 2013

Mandela's legacy: The freefall of South Africa

Rapes, murders, disease, corruption, poverty, communism rampant – and maybe genocide

The horror stories about life in South Africa under apartheid are endless, of course, and the fall of that morally repugnant political system is universally hailed as a triumph.

But two decades after the white-led government relinquished power, and especially in the afterglow of worldwide praise for the nation’s former president Nelson Mandela after his passing at age 95, an objective look at South Africa today is very disturbing.

In fact, even among the harshest critics of apartheid and racial oppression, there is an acknowledgement that in many ways the “rainbow nation,” under African National Congress and South African Communist Party rule, is heading downhill.


More @ WND


  1. At least they got rid of apartheid. /sarc

  2. And once again we learn that just because you're fighting a bad guy, doesn't make you a good guy. You might be just another bad guy. For some reason many Americans have trouble wrapping their minds around this.
