Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Modern Crossbow vs. Modern Body Armor

Via Bearing Arms 




  1. I own several books on crossbows (and three crossbows) what he seems to NOT know was that the crossbow evolved from simple wood or wooden "composit" "pull to draw" bows 1200-1280ish (100lb. draw) threw "Cranqin" bows (300-500lb.draws 1350s-1400s ) up to the steel armed monster windlass bows of the late 1400s up to the mid 1500s (600+lb draws--- There is a surviving bow in spain made in 1499 with a 1200Lb draw!!! ) that could and did kill knights out to 300+yards. In fact the only major draw back to the windlass bow was rain(the bowstring) and "speed of loading" (3 min.+)---Ray

  2. My Sister In Law just bought a short version of an adjustable compound crossbow. It doesn't have a crank but it looks very similar to this one, except not as long. She got it because at barely five feet tall, she can bend down and pull it up to cock it and can almost get it at the 180 LB mark.
    It's a wicked looking thing and weighs just six pounds, with the scope.

    I am very seriously considering getting one myself.

    I can remember my Mom's BF getting a small one back in the 70's that wasn't even a wheeled version that shot a foot long bolt and it went clear through an old shed and out the back.

    These things are not toys . With the advances in tip designs one of those bolts with a razor tipped broad head could very easily go right through two people standing close together.

    1. those bolts with a razor tipped broad head could very easily go right through two people standing close together.

      Wow. I've looked at them also. Quiet and reusable ammo.
