Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Bush speechwriter: Obama plagiarized GWB’s 2007 SOTU


Naw, he's such a truthful man...........:)

As dark clouds continue to gather over 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, all but the most diehard Obama worshipers grudgingly concede that his presidency has entered its lame duck phase. Some analysts have drawn comparisons between the second term of the current occupant of the White House and that of his immediate predecessor.

Bruce Drake, writing at Pew Research Center’s Fact Tank, notes:

    Barack Obama and George Bush have at least one thing in common when it comes to the second terms they won — the first year of their encores have been downers when it came to their public images. Both experienced falloffs in overall job approval and in Americans’ perceptions of their leadership, ability to get things done and trustworthiness.

For one observer, even last night’s State of the Union address had an oddly familiar ring, sounding like something George W. Bush might have said. That’s because the words were something Bush did say. Mark Thiessen, the observer in question and lead Bush speechwriter, had written them for Bush’s 2007 SOTU.


  1. I don't remember "W" lying through his SotU speeches and blaming Republicans for everything????
