Thursday, February 20, 2014

Is Ann Coulter now turning on Ted Cruz?


Screw her.

First conservative icon Thomas Sowell turned on Ted Cruz, now it appears that Ann Coulter is souring on the Texas Republican as well.

Sowell published two columns this week slamming Cruz for being self-serving. Coulter praised the first of Sowell’s columns in a tweet Wednesday.

Later, in an appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity” Wednesday night, Coulter doubled down on her praise of Sowell’s anti-Cruz column: ”I never push anyone else’s column but mine. Today everyone has got to read Thomas Sowell’s article.”


  1. Yeah...
    Well Anne still probably has her schoolgirl crush on Christi, hoping he still has a chance in 2016.
    If Cruz is still making big waves, then her crush won't have a chance.

  2. No thanks , but years ago I didn't have much of a cull level , so maybe back then ......... W. Russell
