Thursday, February 27, 2014

USDA: Americans waste nearly one-third of their food; worth $161 billion

                         The Department of Agriculture said that in 2014, 14 percent of garbage dumped into landfills was food waste. AP Photo

Nearly a third of the 430 billion pounds of food produced for Americans to eat is wasted, a potential catastrophe for landfills and a wake-up call to officials scrambling to feed the hungry, according to a stunning new report from the Department of Agriculture.

The just-issued report revealed that in 2010, 31 percent, or 133 billion pounds, of food produced for Americans to eat was wasted, either molded or improperly cooked, suffered “natural shrinkage” due to moisture loss, or because people became disinterested in what they purchased.
                                                  More @ Washington Examiner


  1. That photo reminds me of the movie, Idiocracy.

  2. And if you go overseas, 31% wasted would be a victory for reducing waste, spoilage and losses to insects, rodents and the weather.

    1. I don't know about that, but if this was true, it would only apply to some countries.

  3. The just-issued report revealed that in 2010, 31 percent, or 133 billion pounds, of food produced for Americans to eat was wasted, either molded or improperly cooked, suffered “natural shrinkage” due to moisture loss, or because people became disinterested in what they purchased.

    This should strike fear in everyone's hearts.

    I read it as: people are too stupid to purchase, prepare or store their own food. a new regulatory agency must be created to address this "crisis"

    1. Oh, no don't give them ideas. :)


      people became disinterested in what they purchased.

      That one really pisses me off.
