Monday, May 5, 2014

*''All we ask is to be left alone"

(Novel thought, I know......)

 Image source: YouTube
 “F**king bitches! You burned our boys!” 

As I alluded to in Missing Militia Men Cause Chaos: Russian Roulette these individuals aren't Russians sent to instill violence, but residents who wish nothing more than secession.

 This will be the tragedy we face in America as Blue Team and Red Team bang heads. The moment people begin to die, on either side, survivors begin to hate. That hatred fuels more violence. Before long people are no longer fighting for ideals, but for vengeance and survival.  The lady above is challenging the lass in blue over the 40 dead pro-Russians who were burned to death over the weekend.  The gal in red holds the gal in blue (a Ukrainian reporter) responsible, at least tangentially.

This is why the victor must extirpate the losing side.  CA introduced that word to our dialogue last week.  It is a very precise word.  It does not mean "Kill them all", it means to win completely.  If you are a Southron or you know one, you know that 150 years after RevWarII there remains seething hatred for Lincoln and Yankees and the war they waged.  Not one man alive today suffered direct injury from that war.  But that seething hatred transcends generations.

More with video @ III Percent Patriots


  1. Did you see the movie, "Defiance" - a true and great story - you can fight to the death and not lose your humanity. It isn't easy, but it can be done.

    1. No, I didn't, though I've heard of it. Thanks.

  2. That is a concept that many do not understand or want to (too much work, one might have to think and thinking is hard). I had a prof once, who spent some time in Northern Ireland. He told of a battle mural on the side of a building, typical glorified th us vs them. On it was the following; Fuck 1643 we want a rematch. I suppose the closest thing would be if there was a large mural about the Battle of Gettysburg with the phrase; Fuck 1863 We want a rematch.
    I've seen the movie, "Defiance" and recomend it as well. BTW, it is based on a true story

    1. Really and here you go and more.
