Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Concealment, Cover, and Tactical Movement

When mobile, it’s generally wiser not to crowd cover.

From my earliest days of training beyond the fundamentals of shooting, I recall being taught that cover is better than concealment and that the most valuable tactic is gaining cover. As with many things I was taught as doctrine, I now say “maybe.”

Concealment is basically a visual concept. If the best way to win a fight is to avoid it, concealment may be a useful means to avoid or escape a fight. It may also allow you to move unseen to a position of advantage in a fight that you cannot avoid. Concealment is also pretty much an all-or-none proposition – if your foot is sticking out beyond the side of what you thought was concealment or if your shadow projects beyond it, your assailant may notice that you’re there. Similarly, if you’re trying to move your children unseen, from their bedrooms to yours, and scrape your gun or flashlight against the wall, you may have lost the concealment that the wall had provided you.

More @ Bearing Arms


  1. If the second stick figure turns his gun a little towards the wall, he can catch the bullet and shoot it back at his attacker.

    1. Damn, good idea. I didn't think of that....... :)
