Saturday, May 3, 2014

'They Watched Them Die' : Father of SEAL Killed in Benghazi Attacks: White House 'Watched This Battle Happen'

Via avordvet 

The father of Ty Woods, a Navy SEAL who was killed in the September 11, 2012 terror attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, is speaking out on the latest revelations on the alleged White House cover-up in the wake of the tragedy.

"The people of the United States as well as the families need to know what actually happened," Charles Woods told Sean Hannity. He called the select congressional committee "an answer to prayer."

Charles Woods called the newly released emails a "smoking gun," and said that a failure in the Obama administration's foreign policy directly led to the death of his son and three other Americans.
Woods told Hannity he believed he'd been lied to repeatedly. "Hillary Clinton came up to me and I gave her a handshake and a hug, and when I shook her hand she said to me, 'We are going to have the filmmaker arrested.' Even at that time she was trying to place a spin on what happened."
"It wasn't the result of a video," Woods said.

                                                                       More @ Fox


  1. Sometimes I scream this at my radio. Let it sink in, these people sat and watched a massacre of US ambassador and brave men who tried to save them and they did NOTHING because it was politically inconvenient for them. I don't know what we were doing there and I don't give a fuck. You bastards let them die. Where on earth is the spec ops community on this? Trust me boys the criminals already spent your pensions.

  2. Brock, I'm thinking more in terms of cutting off their genitals, shoving them in their mouths and raping them in the wrong place like the "protestors" did to our people.

    1. Seems more than reasonable to me. Maybe Death by 1,000 Cuts is more applicable.
