Friday, June 13, 2014

Blogger demands justification for NOT banning so-called 'assault weapons'

Via avordvet

Love it! :)


Writing for the "Old Single Mom" blog, Chicago area blogger J.A. demands that gun rights advocates show her "evidence that guns, and more specifically, that military-style assault weapons are a benefit to society." Failure to come up with an answer she deems satisfactory is presumably all the reason she would need to justify banning them (and perhaps confiscating them, as Obama would so dearly love to do). She challenges gun rights advocates:
Where are all the stories about where a semi-automatic weapon was the difference between tragedy and "happily ever after?"
I've got to warn you: I'm a tough sell. I've seen the Defensive Gun Use (#DGU) Reddit thread, and thwarting off a home invasion here and there is not enough to balance out hundreds of unexpected funerals for small children. You're going to have to give me more than that to win me over.
The residents who fought off the "home invasion here and there" might be forgiven for looking askance at the notion of their successful defense of their homes being so summarily dismissed. So might the Korean shopkeepers whose "assault weapons" were vital for the defense of their lives and livelihoods during the Rodney King riots in L.A.

More @ Examiner


  1. The answer on what she is missing is very simple FREEDOM. Now being a good liberal she has no concept of freedom. She cannot feel freedom and feeling is what controls liberals. If it feels like the right thing logic and reasoned thought do not enter the conversation. Liberals feel gun control is good rather it makes any difference even if it harms people it feels right. And feeling right is the only thing that matters.


    1. And feeling right is the only thing that matters.


  2. I don't "feel" I need to justify shit to a leftist idiot. Not now, not ever. What they think and feel about my rights means nothing. Maybe she should go get an abortion or two so she can "feel" better about her self. FOAD

    1. Maybe she should go get an abortion or two so she can "feel" better about her self.

      Heh. :)

  3. The problem y'all miss is that she truly and honestly believes that the "gun nuts" will line up and passively turn in firearms ammunition and freedom. From what I understand of this breed of cat , they also believe that the few "gun crazy's" who refuse to submit to "reasonable restrictions" will be quickly hunted down by the peoples law forces and "detained and disarmed" . For their own good of course. They genuinely do not and cannot understand why or how anyone could resist or WANT to resist. They cannot commit violence even to save themselves or their children. The concept of someone who would or COULD engage in armed violence over something as tenuous as a right is beyond their ability to understand or even conceive of. War is something that will only exist as a cartoon in her mind until it happens in her front yard. At that point she and all those like her will simply curl up in a helpless ball and cry. OUR problem is that since modern civilization stopped letting Darwin weed them out , they number in the millions and now wish to force us to be them.---Ray

    1. Could not have been stated better, Ray. Thanks.

  4. Let her be the first to start (confiscation). Then after the first door she knocks on, we can move on to other, real, issues.

    1. Then after the first door she knocks on, we can move on to other, real, issues.

      Yup, as her family carries out her final wishes.
