Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Amnesty And Checks And Balances–We are being had by both parties

Via Billy

When one branch has the ability to stop another branch from unconstitutional activity and refuses to do it or pretends it can’t do it, how is this system ever supposed to work?

Shouldn’t we demand from our legislators that they do what they can to stop this? Will it make any difference? If there is already an agenda in place to amnesty these millions of illegals and both president and Congress are just playing out the game, about all we can do, so it would seem, is to protest and let them know we know what’s going on and that we know it is a political game–one whose goal is the destruction of our culture.


  1. They know that we know what is going on......and they don't care. Short term gain for themselves is all they care about....well most of them, anyway.

  2. The idea has always been to de-fang our middle class. This will be a huge step for them.

    1. Then to de-fang our guns. Good luck. :)

    2. Well Brock---with the recent lone exception of the Bundy Ranch....all the "free people's" guns are just shiny toys. I actually am happy that Obola is opening up the throttle on this express elevator to the FUSA will ignite on the way down. I keep praying for a 1000 Henry Bowmans....but all we have is a couple hundred republicans that aren't worth one HB.

  3. Brock, you might want to take a re-listen to Monster by Stephenwolf. That line about "their vote is a meaningless joke" and the government being a "monster that will not obey" rings with more truth now than it did back in the 60's

  4. I'm left wondering what will be the ignighting moment for overt action. When federal home invasion teams bust down our doors? That's too late. If we're reacting on that big of a scale, I doubt constitutional militias can reform and bounce back but the way .gov is growing and becoming more tyrannical,
    something will have to be done. Voting will only take us so far. Securing our towns then counties and eventually, hopefully, our state(s) is a huge goal like taking Omaha beach, just thinking what will be OUR Pearl Harbor?......
    J Connlllr

    1. My guess is that it will be something no one expects or something we might consider small that mushrooms.

  5. Congress has only two ways too STOP Obama. Impeach him or pass legislation to directly counter his crimes. BOTH require a two thirds majority in BOTH houses to work.
    67 votes in the senate tomimpeah and 67 votes to override a veto of any bill Obozo doesn't like. The GOP simply DOES NOT HAVE 67 votes. Therefore congress is impotent. The house can "defund" but the Treasury and the Fed Reserve answer to the executive branch. Obama can print and spend as desired without congress. Dirty Harry Reid has prevented a budget from leaving the senate for years. That hasn't stopped the .gov from spending money....this case would be no different. Unless .mil, the Secret Service or some other group removes him BY FORCE Obama is in the cat bird seat. He has nothing to lose, does not care about his poll numbers and couldn't give a rats ass about my hands modest party....after all he is a commie Muslim, the end of the dems is irrelevant.
