Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Nutmeg State SWAT storms gun owner’s home, seizes firearms

 Nutmeg State SWAT storms gun owner's home, seizes firearms

Connecticut gun owner told Guns and Patriots that his civil rights were stripped from him by an anti-gun judicial branch and a soon-to-be ex-wife who is uncomfortable with him owning guns.
“High risk SWAT team rolls in and takes all my guns,” said Edward F. Taupier the respondent in a two-year divorce action that has escalated to an all-out war. “It took two armadillo armored vehicles, 75 officers with weapons drawn, and 45 minutes to raid my house.”

More @ Human Events


  1. 1: Never should have married a Godless lib-tard.
    2: Even if he wins millions from the case, its money from OUR tax paying pockets. Examples of this kind of brutality will continue no matter what's said until settlements are granted to the accused out of department funding. Bankrupt police dept. in no time.

    J Connlllr

    1. When I started reading, I never expected it to be as bad as it turned out. Unbelievable.
