Sunday, December 7, 2014

Passing of President Jefferson Davis -- 6 December 1889


  1. One prays for a resurrection. "this Republic will be transformed into one of the most oppressive and offensive oligarchies that has ever arisen amongst the civilized nations of the earth.” No truer words were ever said. God help the Republic.
    Jefferson Davis died peacefully with a sterile conscious; more that I can say for
    Woodrow Wilson.

    1. "this Republic will be transformed into one of the most oppressive and offensive oligarchies that has ever arisen amongst the civilized nations of the earth.”

      Bingo! & we shore' got it now.

    2. And it is just beginning. Resolution will see the perpetrators in the North (and West) suffer their own reconstruction, and it will be more brutal than that which they visited upon their Southernly neighbors.
