Monday, January 5, 2015

GREEN BERET CALLS BS: On The PTSD Excuse Used By American Sniper’s Killer

 Screen Shot 2015-01-03 at 10.40.04 AM
 Pictured: Left, Green Beret Bryan Sikes; Middle, Eddie Ray Routh; Right, Chris Kyle.
Eddie Ray Routh is nothing more than a murdering piece of shit, deserving of no one’s grace or sympathy.
--Bryan Sikes
Doug Giles, the CEO of, said on his personal Facebook page regarding the murderer of Chris Kyle wanting the death penalty, “Who gives a crap what this clown wants? Since he doesn’t want to rot in jail lets let him rot in jail.”


  1. I say let E.R. Routh be bitch of the day in prison, every day until he dies.
