Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Was Sandy Hook Used to Bury Obama’s SSN Records?

Via Sioux


The real owner of Obama’s STOLEN SSN, Harrison J Bounel, was a patient at Fairfield Hills Psychiatric Hospital in Newtown Connecticut

Would access to Harrison Bounel’s Death Records prove Obama stole Bounel’s SSN?

After the Sandy Hook “school shooting,” the State of Connecticut made a bizarre move.

CT locked down ALL Death Certificates — for any deaths in the entire State of CT.

Governor Malloy signed three Orwellian bills into law, after they were crammed thru at 2AM, “for the children.”

As a result, CT Death Certificates are NO LONGER public record — you cannot obtain them.  Death Certificates have been PUBLIC RECORD for hundreds of years…. but suddenly, NOT ANYMORE.

More @ Memory Hole


  1. Get some DNA from Obama; he probably has a past criminal record.
    And, the death of these kids I knew was BS. When did the bodies come
    out? Never because there were none. What loving parent would allow
    their kids to lie a floor all nite and where were the reporters? Reporters
    don't give up on prey or big news. The Parker father, what a joke.
    The school was used for storage.

  2. You know in Boone, NC at the university, there has been nine deaths since August.
    Four, they say, are suicides. The first was a student missing for weeks and
    found in the woods. She was a jogger. The authorities are vague.
    Since this report there has been five more. Reported on by local news in my area.

  3. Sadly this will never be proven in our lifetime. He was placed in power by the true rulers and the extent to which they will go to cover this up knows no limits.

    1. the extent to which they will go to cover this up knows no limits.

      Including as many deaths as it takes as they can cover those up too among the sheeple.
