Thursday, July 30, 2015

Alabama's Roy Moore violated judicial ethics again by speaking out against SCOTUS ruling, $PLC claims

Via Billy

Image result for Alabama's Roy Moore violated judicial ethics again by speaking out against SCOTUS ruling, $PLC claims

Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore has violated judicial ethics through numerous speeches where he suggests the U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage shouldn't be followed, the Southern Poverty Law Center said today.

For the second time this year, Montgomery-based SPLC has supplemented its complaint against Moore to the Judicial Inquiry Commission of Alabama.

More @ AL


  1. The Federal government has no authority to decide anything on marriage...that is a state right. Federal jurisdiction is specifically spelled out in the Constitution. Nullification is the appropriate response to federal overstep. Judge Moore is right. If the SCOTUS continues in this manner then its jurisdiction to "decide" what is constitutional can be eliminated. After all, it gave itself that duty...that duty can be eliminated.

    1. After all, it gave itself that duty.

      Good point.

  2. Thomas Jefferson was afraid of the US Supreme Court abusing its powers such
    as making laws instead of interpreting laws or over-reaching beyond its assigned
    duties. Sure enough, it has come to pass. Without checks and balances, the Court s decisions have evolved away from the Constitution and into personal and political vendettas or judicial activism. That dire ending place is most recently demonstrated by: the Court removing the freedom of unhindered participation in healthcare (Affordable Care Act), removing a protection on voting rights (voters are no longer required to show proof of citizenship), and removing the freedom to retain the 6,000-year-old definition of marriage on the state level (forcing recognition of gay marriage) all of these decisions are outside of the Court s constitutionally defined job description.
    After all, they are only human power-hungry narcissists. It's up to the states to put these
    things in their place or Congress.

    1. It's up to the states to put these things in their place or Congress.

      Yes and it's high time that they get off their butts and do it.
