Friday, July 24, 2015

CAUGHT ON VIDEO-> Mob of Black Youths BEAT White Man Carrying Confederate Flag – Then Take His Flag

Via Billy

 Never one on one, although one on one on me will result in deadly force.

A mob of black youths beat a white man carrying a Confederate flag in Charleston last weekend.

The video was posted earlier this week.

The youths beat the man down to the pavement and then took his flag.

One man was carrying a bat.


  1. if only some could have been put down... -55six

  2. really surprised none of these doing the attacking have been shot......yet

  3. This happened in COLUMBIA not Charleston.....

  4. Notice that the savages did not attack the Texas carrying the AR-15 in an earlier story. I you want to carry a Confederate flag or wear a Confederate uniform, do it. If you don't have a CHL, get one. If legal, do not conceal your guns.

    If you believe that your life is threatened use your weapons to defend your life and property. Never apologize for being right. Just be prepared.

    1. Precisely and just ordered my third SCV NC license plate today for my camper van. Will go well with my front one entitled I Love Dixie. :)

  5. Hummm----sorry----but I see a STUPID cracker and a SMART pack of Nigs. Ended up as great PR for the Nig/Marxists and will cow a lot of conservatives who look at this and think they will just get beat down with no hope of anyone coming to their aid if they have a battle flag.

    Remember---the Nigs are 60-80%+ on some form of welfare and the rest are AA government tax suckers....that get to hang out all day fighting and working out.

    If a white/southern person does this, they will be beat/killed----by Nigs and white marxists.

    Whites are SUPPOSE to be smarter aren't they?

    Better idea---have a white "stalking horse" with a battle flag----with 30-50 friends in the surrounding the Nigs/Marxists approach....have the iphones rolling from some good vantage points and as the Nigs start throwing punches---roll in flying v and flank and pound the shit out of the Nigs/Marxists.

    Know Blacks=No Peace

    No Blacks=Know Peace

  6. It's just a matter of time.

    1. & we can look forward to a legal use of force in return to be played 24/7 on MSM forever.

  7. Amazing no news channel on major networks showed this, never show black on white hate crimes

    1. Or mention the race, although by now anyone with a smidgen of a brain knows they weren't white, if the race was omitted.

  8. Next time, carry a can of hornet spray which sprays 25ft. As I understand this
    spray is more painful than pepper spray and can cause blindness, permanent depending on the direct hit. As somebody commenting on one of the old Miami Vice episodes once said, this type you can't kill, they are already dead.

    If you can't see, you can't get me.

    1. Yes, that along with other defensive items, are by the front door.

  9. Like what. I needs to know.

  10. Brock, check out this 2010 video from Brazil. I didn't even know Brazil had such.
    I basically thought the USA and SA were the fortunate ones. The video is better
    back then. Unbelievable. At the end, one can see the poor victim having seizures:

    1. Too bad he couldn't have killed them all. Thanks.

  11. This is uncivilized in action. All involved are laughing. Looks as though the little
    cat is dead. A part of the brain which never developed or does not exist pertaining
    to empathy:
