Friday, July 24, 2015

Our Noble Banner


The Confederate battle flag is protean. It is a powerful symbol that has entered the world’s consciousness. “Protean,” going back to the classical Proteus, is defined as “readily taking on varied shapes, forms, or meanings.”   And as “having a varied nature or ability to assume different forms.”  

The flag’s power   is very real, but engenders a different feeling according to the beholder. The power was created by and has been evident since the failed War of Southern Independence, the heroism, spirit, honour, and tragedy of which moved much of the civilized world to admiration.   Winston Churchill wrote in his history of the English-speaking peoples that the Confederate army was one of the most magnificent in history, while his nemesis Adolf Hitler was writing of his great admiration for Abraham Lincoln.

Add that the flag is also a beautiful object, judged by those who look into such things as one of the most beautiful of all national banners.


  1. The Confederate flag is by far the best of the best in beauty and symbolism.

    1. I read an article that said it would be an advertiser's dream, if not for some of it's undeserved baggage.
