Friday, July 24, 2015

New York Magazine Describes Marriage for the Moonbat Male

Via David

 Image result for New York Magazine Describes Marriage for the Moonbat Male

To learn how to be a moonbat, read New York Magazine. This article demonstrates the proper attitude to have toward marriage and your wife’s fidelity:

As I write this, my children are asleep in their room, Loretta Lynn is on the stereo, and my wife is out on a date with a man named Paulo. It’s her second date this week; her fourth this month so far. If it goes like the others, she’ll come home in the middle of the night, crawl into bed beside me, and tell me all about how she and Paulo had sex. I won’t explode with anger or seethe with resentment. I’ll tell her it’s a hot story and I’m glad she had fun. It’s hot because she’s excited, and I’m glad because I’m a feminist.

Before my wife started sleeping with other men, I certainly considered myself a feminist, but I really only understood it in the abstract. When I quit working to stay at home with the kids, I began to understand it on a whole new level. I am an economically dependent househusband coping with the withering drudgery of child-rearing.

More @ Moonbattery


  1. The contemptible wimp, who had the stupidity to write this drivel does not understand that his marriage is already doomed to a divorce. It is not a question of if but when and how soon. I have zero respect that thinks so little of his wife that he would condone her adultery. The wife will also lose respect then grow to hate him for lacking the brains, balls and spine to protect that one person he should cherish and protect above all others. I'm calling BS on his rationalization for lack of manhood.
    He is also a self centered piss poor excuse of a male for NOT wanting to have children. All real truly macho men want to have children. Yes having children is an life long expensive pain in the ass to have kids. BUT, I considerate to be a high honor and privilege to be a dad. A real man want to Provide, Protect and Procreate, to serve others by taking charge. I wish the author of the above article would either A) pull his head out of his ass and man up. Or, B) do every one a favor and commit suicide. cause as it stands right now he is too worthless to live.
    This must be some perverse northern liberal thing to be willing to be economically dependent on a woman.

    1. I agree wholeheartedly. Had five girls and wish I had more. :)

    2. Hey, I WAS I "northern liberal" and while I'm still a Yankee by birth, liberal I'm not. But in many ways I understand...

      You see, up here, even in NH where it's getting bluer*, you're surrounded by it. You marinate in Leftist though. E.g., I go into conversations while I'm job searching, and it's ASSUMED that because I'm here - and especially because I'm visibly Jewish with my yarmulke (and most American Jews are liberals) that I will agree with the viewpoints expressed.

      What this couple - both of them - don't get is that marriage with kids means you put the kids ABOVE your own desires, whether financial, vacation, sexual, etc. These kids will, sooner or later, figure out that mommy (especially) but even daddy are "steppin' out". They'll view this as NORMAL, because it's what they'll be exposed to.

      Am I the "perfect husband and father"? Of course not. Same with their mother. But we TRY.

      This "man" and woman, they're teenagers, feeling like they've been denied something, and now acting out on it - and convincing themselves it's a good thing.

      Rating: 8 on the 10-dot "Yick-O-Meter". (NB: The story in the news a while back about the girl who got deflowered by her father, consensually? That pegged out the meter.)

    3. (NB: The story in the news a while back about the girl who got deflowered by her father, consensually? That pegged out the meter.)

      That'll do it! :) Better move South!
