Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Floridians In Melbourne Show Up To City Council Debate On Confederate Flag…

Via comment by Anonymous on Texas high school defends Confederate flag

 Florida Crackers


  1. Brock, it has come time to talk. I'd like to request a telephone call to speed up communication and understanding. I have started to receive requests for interviews and my blog is stirring a big buzz in Saskatchewan. Admittedly I am still somewhat computer stupid (lol)...please email me a preferred phone number and times you may be able to talk and I'll call you on my dime! I am Christian-like, but not devoutly religious. I'm the runt of the litter here that leaves a nasty mark on your ankle when provoked, and my bark is effective and sharp. My main concerns are with your consent to what my comments may be, and to beforehand understand issues/comments that true southerners may find offensive. My best intentions and strongest strategies of advocacy will be applied to the Flag, but I certainly don't want to step on any southern toes either!-Dale-

    1. Certainly, but some can't understand me well over the telephone/in person, so it mght be better just to email me.


  2. As I have said on multiple occasions, there is no good racial slur for being white, because the underlying concept of being white is not shameful in any way. So whites don't get upset when someone says whitey, honkey, gaijin or cracker. No matter how much other races try to find a word that is the equal impact of "Nigger". It can't happen.

    Similarly, other races keep changing what we are allowed to call them, as if the phonetic arangement of letters is what is important. The word gets a "bad meaning" because the underlaying concept has a bad meaning. That's how language works.

    The same is true for mentally handicapped and all the times and ways they changed what that is called to remove the "hate". The approved term now is "special needs", and that is really no better than "retarded" because the underlaying concept is the same and something normal people don't want.

    Same is true for Gay. Homosexual. Queer. Fag. LGBT. It doesn't matter what word you come up with to call it. It is the underlying concept that is shameful.

    Words are racist.
