Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Confederate Flag Needs To Be Raised, Not Lowered

Via Billy

Ladies and gentlemen, I submit that what we see happening in the United States today is an apt illustration of why the Confederate flag was raised in the first place. What we see materializing before our very eyes is tyranny: tyranny over the freedom of expression, tyranny over the freedom of association, tyranny over the freedom of speech, and tyranny over the freedom of conscience.

In 1864, Confederate General Patrick Cleburne warned his fellow southerners of the historical consequences should the South lose their war for independence. He was truly a prophet. He said if the South lost, “It means that the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy. That our youth will be trained by Northern school teachers; will learn from Northern school books their version of the war; will be impressed by all of the influences of History and Education to regard our gallant debt as traitors and our maimed veterans as fit subjects for derision.” No truer words were ever spoken.

History revisionists flooded America’s public schools with Northern propaganda about the people who attempted to secede from the United States, characterizing them as racists, extremists, radicals, hatemongers, traitors, etc. You know, the same way that people in our federal government and news media attempt to characterize Christians, patriots, war veterans, constitutionalists, et al. today. 


  1. Perhaps the best, most concise description of the truth I have ever read.

    1. A good man and one of few who are in the public eye.

  2. In school I learned the civil war was fought because southerners wanted slaves. As an adult I learned that was a lie and just revisionist history. I have gone on to learn much of what I was taught was all a lie.


  3. I wish I could personally read it to "Benedict Arnold Bentley"! And if you ain't flying a Confederate flag.....why not? Since the recent SCOTUS edicts, the Confederate Flag has now become the only American flag that still represents the Christian values that our founders, and most of y'all's ancestors believed in, and the Christian principles that were used to form our Republic. Think about what you are pledging to next time you're asked to repeat the socialist pledge of allegiance? hint: your accepting, as right, abortion, no prayer in schools, same sex marriage, Obamacare, Ruby Ridge, Waco, the elimination of the Ten Commandments as the foundation of our law....and there's plenty more if you think about it? You pledge allegiance to WHAT?

  4. Not a shot fired upon the removal of the Confederate flag. Bummer.
    Did not see any snipers on the roofs overlooking the Holocaust of the Confederate
    flag. Snipers must be just reserved for Bikers.
    Funny how they knew not to be there.
