Sunday, July 5, 2015

While you weren’t watching, Obama granted de facto amnesty to millions

 Image result for While you weren’t watching, Obama granted de facto amnesty to millions

Deliberate non-enforcement of deportation laws as to almost all illegal immigrants now official policy.

The Obama administration has received sharp rebukes from federal trial and appeals courts for his post-election plan to grant DREAM Act-like status through administrative rules.

That plan, which would have granted de facto amnesty to approximately 5 million people, now is on hold until further argument this month in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.

But under the radar, Obama has been accomplishing a more sweeping de facto amnesty through deliberate non-enforcement of the deportation laws.

This has not receive a lot of attention, as the nation went from one social crisis to another over the past few months. Baltimore – Charleston – Confederate Flag – Gay Marriage – Obamacare. All those and more have dominated the media and political attention for months.

The Washington Post just published a report on the major policy shift deliberately, Obama administration scales back deportations in policy shift:


  1. Does it even matter if we are watching??

  2. "A recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling held that states cannot alter a federal voter registration form to require proof of citizenship."

    I detect a problem that seems to be at the root of many of our problems lately.

  3. Rope + tree + Obama

    1. Must be David or Sioux unless someone else has gotten the idea..............:)
