Sunday, July 5, 2015

Independence Day – July 4 In the Year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Fifteen and of Our Independence, Two hundred and Thirty-Nine


Two hundred and thirty-nine year ago, a handful of men, expressing the sentiments that had already been expressed in over ninety similar declarations, committed to paper a consolidation of those documents that had preceded it, and the will of the people of the 13 British colonies of North America.

After over five years of combat, rag-tag farmers, fighting against the greatest military force in the world at that time, prevailed in a war they believed, with honor, to be “the right thing to do.”

Just about one hundred and fifty-four years ago, again, a test between those who believed that they were right was pitched against others who believed that they were right. The contest, this time, was between those who wanted to preserve a Union and those who believed that States had rights that could not be subordinated to a simple majority in opposition.

This war lasted less than five years, and the side that lost, though they had fought, with honor, because it was “the right thing to do.” And, the side that won also, fought with honor, because it was “the right thing to do.” However, the losing side forgiven by the winning, first at the surrender next by a general amnesty by President Lincoln, and finally, by amnesty granted by President Johnson, because that, too, was “the right thing to do.”


  1. I read his article. Mr. Heart hasn't the slightest clue what he is on about. ---Ray

    1. Mr. Heart hasn't the slightest clue what he is on about.

      I don't understand your statement.

    2. He seems to have little or no understanding of what the word "honor" means. No understanding or knowledge of the conduct of the federal army's during or after the 1861-65 war. and makes sweeping statements about the current numbers of "patriots" and there motivations and actions. His missive seems written as a very well thought out "black propaganda" PSYOP designed to undermine the moral and resolve of the patriot community. Or else the man is clueless and poorly educated. --Ray
