Thursday, February 4, 2016

Buchanan: Rubio Can’t Win White House–Trump OR Cruz Could

Via Mike


Donald Trump won more votes in the Iowa caucuses than any Republican candidate in history.

Impressive, except Ted Cruz set the new all-time record.

And Marco Rubio exceeded all expectations by taking 23 percent.

Cruz won Tea Party types, Evangelicals, and the hard right.

Trump won the populists and nationalists who want the borders secure, no amnesty, and no more trade deals that enable rival powers like China to disembowel American industries.

And Rubio? He is what columnist Mark Shields called Jimmy Carter, 35 years ago, “the remainderman of national politics. He gets what’s left over after his opponents have taken theirs by being the least unacceptable alternative to the greatest number of voters.”

More @ V DARE


  1. And the closet door slowly creaks open. Simply astonishing,
    or is it. Brock, time for some funnies.

    1. Thanks and news to me.

  2. I am very confident the Republican Party leadership (cough, cough) will meet my expectations regardless of who is the final choice for president. If their recent history is any guide, they WILL snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They gave us Bush the wimp Sr. Dole (remember him?, McCain, and Romney. The only reason Bush Jr got elected was that the Party of Evil managed to field an even bigger loser and low life. The Republican party really does NOT want to win elections, cause winning means making tough decisions and actually leading. The party's official color ought to be coward yellow or maybe spineless pale.

  3. I must be a Tea party nationalist. I could vote for a Trump or Cruz as it now stands but that is a low as I will drop my standards. Anyone else and I stay home.
