Monday, February 1, 2016

Why Did Robert ‘LaVoy’ Finicum Have To Die? The Connection Between Malheur, Putin, The Clinton Foundation, And Big Money

Here we are with Mr. Finicum dead, a good man by all accounts, especially those who knew him best, his friends and family, and yet the evil goes much deeper.  The divisions are becoming more pronounced, and they will not be healed.  As for the shooters, Oregon police, or *.gov federal agents, whomever you are, this is what we know.  You knew that this mess needed to be closed out quickly.  Thus you did what you did.  Congratulations.  You killed Mr. Finicum so that Hillary Clinton could become enriched by selling the rights to American Uranium and Gold to a Russian communist.

For those who have tracked this with at least a modicum of interest, this has all been puzzling.  WeaponsMan has this to say about the death of Robert ‘LaVoy’ Finicum.
This whole mess began because a Federal prosecutor (like all of them an effete urbanite with many years in Eastern elite colleges) thought it would be amusing to make a felony out of some careless brush burnoffs by a couple of ranchers, and send the hayseeds to prison.
Amusing, you say?  This all happened because someone wanted to be amused?  Digging a little deeper, the original case was so weak that if something like this had happened around these parts, those responsible might have faced community service, a small to moderate fine and a stern talking-to by the judge.  To explain just how bizarre this whole thing was to start out, and just how head-scratching the drama surrounding this was, I turn to none other than Western Livestock Journal, well before any of this ever happened.


  1. Everyone should read this article - lots of 'primary source' information, plus more insights put into one place for better understanding. I can see why the Hammonds are afraid and why they wanted the Bundys to go home.
