Friday, April 15, 2016

Mincing His Words As Always :) The Last Words Of Edmund Ruffin

"I here declare my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule--to all political, social and business connection with the Yankees and to the Yankee race. Would that I could impress these sentiments, in their full force, on every living Southerner and bequeath them to every one yet to be born! May such sentiments be held universally in the outraged and down-trodden South, though in silence and stillness, until the now far-distant day shall arrive for just retribution for Yankee usurpation, oppression and atrocious outrages, and for deliverance and vengeance for the now ruined, subjugated and enslaved Southern States!

And now with my latest writing and utterance, and with what will be near my latest breath, I here repeat and would willingly proclaim my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule--to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, and the perfidious, malignant and vile Yankee race."


  1. Then he ate his rifle...
    Silly rebel.

    1. His musket, my dear Sir, doncha' know that makes all the diffidence........? ! :)

  2. A good article on Yankee/Marxists. And General Lee walked out of that courthouse with his sword. "We have been at war with the Yankee/Lincoln Marxists ever since and I have no problem with that." — They, along with the communist UN,
    are destroying White countries, only White countries just
    like the South.

    1. Thanks and the Gunny is a good man. I posted this previously with some interesting tidbits I believe.

    2. Son of a gun. The same title. Don't know how I missed that on your site. Love the pic of you all
      in your greys. Reminded me of when I went to meet
      my brother for lunch off of Merrimon Ave. in Asheville, you know the South. I wore my Confederate hat and I thought my brother would fall-
      out even though he is pro-Confederate. The Asheville liberal invasion and all, don't you know. Not indoctrination but fearful of stares and reprisal.

    3. Ha! Wish you had a video of him when he first saw it.
