Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Muslim Gangsters Harass, Pick A Fight With Sicilians, The Sicilians Beat The Muslims With Bats And Pistol Whip Them So Badly One Is In A Coma

Via Billy

Several month ago, we profiled how Cosa Nostra declared war on the Muslim invaders. Now, while I do not know if these men were part of it, they show two things. First, it is how to properly handle Muslim harassment. Second, don’t mess with Sicily:
To get worse one of three (Muslims) is a 16 year old now hospitalized in a coma. Like the other two, the Egyptian was housed in the reception center of the city of San Michele di Ganzaria, a short walk from the theater of the clash. As it reconstructed by the police and reported by the Courier , the three Egyptians had already had in the past quarrels with Sicilian boys that have become protagonists of the attack.


  1. Look how these bullies scream when somebody fights back. All bullies are like kids, we found that out, right? A few good kicks and fists made them back down in those days,,,,nowadays kids are supposed to talk to the bullies. Good for those Sicilians.

  2. Damn, its contagious!

    1. Good! :)
