Thursday, September 1, 2016

A Lawless President Made More Secret Deals

Via Billy

A new report revealed by Reuters shows that there were more secret deals made with Iran, and not reported to Congress, in violation of US law.  The President of the United States has knowingly and repeatedly violated a law he himself signed, for the express purpose of avoiding Congressional oversight of his actions mandated both by the law and the Constitution.

During the so-called “Iran Deal” negotiations, it became known that the State Department had agreed to allow Iran to make a “secret side deal” with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to which the United States would not be a party.  The intent was to dodge a provision of the law governing the “Iran Deal”‘s negotiation, a law that President Barack Obama had himself signed into law.  He signed this into law in the hope of avoiding the Constitutional requirement that the Senate should advise and assent to treaties by a two-thirds majority.  The law he negotiated as an alternative to obeying the Constitution required that the entire deal, including any side arrangements, be made available to Congress for consideration before approval.


  1. This guy needed to be impeached for hundreds of violations.

    At this point just what difference does ..... and so on....

    And people believe his taqiyya lies.

  2. There is a fitting tree at Monticello. Jefferson would be proud.

    1. :) I've got eight Pecan and Walnut trees, hundreds of year old that they would be proud to offer service.
