Monday, February 27, 2017

The Story No One Else Will Tell

 Lies of Omission

This nation is at a crossroads. There are many indications that there is a significant push by Marxists to step out of the shadows and claim title to our institutions, pushing the idea of capitalism out of the public square the same way they pushed God out of the schools. Swirling in the air of social media is the idea that to resist capitalism is to resist all of the ills of society, as if capitalism caused them. Unfortunately, this shows a determined lack of intelligence, reinforced by Marxist professors.

Here's what I know: no one is telling the story, no one is standing up for the America we should have. Republicans use the Constitution to get elected to continue the Ponzi scheme of government programs. Democrats want to replace the electorate in order to get the election results they want to in turn continue the Ponzi scheme of government programs. None of them will ever have a reason to look backward at individual freedom as anything other than a threat to their power.

We elected Donald Trump, because he was neither of them and we all knew that.

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