We hear much about “fake news” today and, in all honesty, most of what we get from the Mainstream Media is fake news. They may get the weather report and the ball scores right because there usually isn’t a political agenda apparent in those two items, but their accuracy doesn’t go much beyond that. But, then, they are in the propaganda business, not the accuracy business.
Though it might come as a shock to many today, this is nothing new. They have been in the propaganda business since before the War of Northern Aggression. All you need to do is to see some of the “news” accounts in Northern papers of what terrorist John Brown did in the 1850s and you will begin to get the picture. Not only is what is presented, in many cases, rank propaganda, but there are significant things left out that reporters and “historians” really would rather we didn’t know about. We can’t ask the questions that need to be asked if we have no information.
More@ Revised History
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