Monday, July 17, 2017

The Subterfuge of Socialism

If you feel like you are being attacked every time you walk out the door, you are.  The part of freedom that no one born after the 1970's can possibly understand is how much our fellow citizens, at the behest of their collectivist puppet masters, have entered our lives and decided what we were able to say, think and do. This is a direct attack, not on your house, or your car, but on you specifically as a human being.

People like to think about the government as an amoeba, but it is populated by your neighbors, the ones who go to meetings and the PTA. They are the sort of people who lust after a spot on the Home Owners Association board. As I have said elsewhere, the people in power are hardly ever the people who should be. There is a particular mental disorder that seeks power, most of them are rapists and vandals. This is not aimed at cops, but it does not exclude them either.

To a great degree I am talking about the three RINO county commissioners in Custer County, CO, but not only them either. They are a symptom of what has begun as a sneaking communism that Matt Bracken pointed out in Lies of Omission, the Gramscian theory of communism that hides very well inside socialism until, like an ALIEN, pops out of the chest, having consumed the heart of the community.

For far too long the citizens of this nation have allowed the socialist/communist faction to thrive inside this republic and all for some very good reasons to start with, but those reasons are looking worse all the time.

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