Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Convert or Die? The Collectivist Question


After watching the events of Charlottesville through Twitter, blog posts like Virginia Freeman Jesse James, WRSA and through listening to news reports and media spin, I have stumbled upon a moment of absolute clarity. Civil War II has just begun.

Unlike morons like Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and others who continue to virtue signal that this was  White Supremacist violence and that they detest it, they willingly forget that the KKK and others had a permit to demonstrate and that Antifa did not. There would have been no violence had Antifa been kept in check as they were in Pikeville, KY earlier this year. The talking heads of radio allow themselves to be ushered into the Antifa camp with their weak, spineless desire to be understood.

Anyone with half a brain recognizes that no particular color of individual bestows virtue or evil simply by the fact of that color.

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