Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Lincoln Memorial Vandalized: Washington and Jefferson next?

Via Billy

For all of you well meaning Americans out there who just want to be left alone.....

You will not be left alone. When you try and compromise with leftists and say "Okay, take down statues of American leaders who lived flawed lives in the past," they will extend that to every single historical leader that you hold dear. You will NEVER be left alone. Every compromise will lead to more demands by these lunatics. You will not be left alone. 

If you want to live your life and just ignore all these morons....too bad. You will not be left alone. You fine with transgender men living their lives as women as long as they leave you alone? Too bad. 

They're demanding that your daughter shower with them. You will not be left alone. You seeing a trend in what I am writing?

You see folks, our biggest enemies are not the grossly outnumbered loony tunes on the Left. 

Our biggest enemy is people who think the same way as us, but just refuse to engage...because they want to be left alone. Our first fight is to convince them all that they will NEVER be left alone. EVER.


  1. The savages that did this do not know what they are for or against. They just want it FREE and they want it NOW.

    1. I've got a lot of ammo that I will 'give' them freely.

    2. I believe there are a lot of people that are well equipped and well provisioned that will be happy to oblige this trash.

    3. Hopefully. The pendulum can only swing so far.

  2. They are cultural Marxists who are trying to eradicate the principles and symbols of the American Revolution, our Constitutional Republic and "the Blessings of Liberty". Patrick Henry said, "give me Liberty or give me death". Better yet, let us keep our Liberty and give its enemies death! --Ron W

    1. let us keep our Liberty and give its enemies death!

      Now, I'd vote for that! :)
