Tuesday, August 15, 2017

North Carolina governor Roy Cooper: Confederate monuments 'should come down'

Via Billy

Let us make sure he is a one term governor.

 Cooper......... the North Carolina legislature (should) repeal a 2015 law that prevents the removal or relocation of monuments and then vote down a bill granting immunity from liability to motorists who strike protesters. (Good luck Scalawag.)


  1. Ummm. Roy you are 1 and done. And NC above all states knows it WAS states rights and the repulsion of an invading army that caused May 20th 1861. The right side of history lefty boy

    1. We fought against ending slavery as part of the conflict too. So what?

      How many of these insane US wars have been for good causes? About none of them.

      Mostly it's as you say: We fought off invaders, and we also opposed total war, other positives. I just don't think we need to whitewash it.

      And NC might have been more virtuous than other states.

      These Antifa don't know history. I want to hear them defend the slaughter of, what, 100m last century? It's a lot of people, whatever the number. People telling us we're bad: Wall Street funded both Hitler and the Bolshevik revolution. If history were taught in schools, everyone would love Lee. They'd see how rare it is for someone like him to lead.

      Marxists tell their people how they've never done anything wrong, only ever fought fascists. They lie.

    2. Thanks to the commies who infiltrated our schools since the 1970's. They said they would but we ignored them. :(

    3. Brock, I'm generally on the side that thinks we should have stayed out of WWII, but I saw recently (I can get he link from twitter) that it was the South that most wanted war with Hitler - more than any other region by far.

      So, the idea that *we're* sympathetic is pretty ridiculous.

      And the system we have today exploits people, but I won't enter another rant on it. I just say, this isn't some perfectly moral society. Fraud is common in today's society; and we don't punish it very severely.

      The South was very virtuous in some ways. I dislike slavery, but well, you've heard all that before. I don't think we'd have tolerated bankers abusing the system as we do today. Southerners, not Marxists, could have maybe stood up to that.

      And we somewhat stood up to slavery early on. It just worked too well. A system has to work. The successful triumph over the unsuccessful. Slavery spread everywhere it could. It just worked extremely well. Man just is not a saint. The North would have used it widely if it could have.

      If people heard that explanation and realised it's a *human* flaw, not a unique flaw of the South, then they'd hate us less. And we converted the blacks to Christians, etc. We didn't treat them as the Greeks and Romans did, as tools.

    4. we converted the blacks to Christians, etc. We didn't treat them as the Greeks and Romans did, as tools.

      I think it was Walter Williams who mentioned this. Thanks.

  2. Aren't there a lot of illegal voters in North Carolina? I see the names on the tens of thousands of goods ordered where I work and am shocked at how few American names I see on the orders. Can definitely see how with the "motor voter" thing Clinton put in every green card holder gets registered to vote when getting a license down at the DMV whether they know they are allowed or not.

  3. I can guarantee Roy your political career will be over in Nc if you do this all of y'all need a history lesson
