Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Mitt Romney Defends Peaceful Antifa Terrorists

Above via John

Via Billy

Mitt Romney joined the fray on Tuesday defending the violent club-wielding Antifa terrorists from Charlottesville.


An ignorant Mitt Romney defended the Antifa terrorists for rejecting “racism and bigotry.”

 Mitt Romney @MittRomneyNo, not the same. One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi. The other opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes.

The fact that you view Antifa as moral and acceptable is beyond disgusting. No wonder you lost resoundingly in your presidential run.


  1. Mitt is another poster boy, as if another one was needed, as to why the jelly fish is the perfect embodiment of the establishment, inside the beltway Republican party; a drift with the current, no brains, no spine and no balls creature.
    It is the Antifa, the BLM and the SWJ who are the racists, bigots. And since they and their enablers, the MSM, money donors seek to drive out of office a duly elected president and are willing to use violence to that end, they ARE engaging in sedition and treason. Romney is giving his support for the violent overthrow of the government of the USA. The two sides are NOT morally equal. I have yet to hear or read of any "white supremist" or Alt-right calling for the violent overthrow of the USA. NONE.
    Mitt, would you kindly shut the f--k up, and go away. Gutless stupid wimps like you are not needed. The single kindest thing I can say about you is that you are worthless. If idiots like you and McCain, and the Brothers Bush are the best that the Republican leadership can offer to the public, then the Republican party has earned its' extinction as a political party.

    1. they ARE engaging in sedition and treason.

