Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Military Refusing An Order Is Bad, No Matter How It Looks

Via Billy
That should give all Americans pause when leaders of our civilian-controlled military publicly say they may refuse to follow an order they disagree with.
In our present political climate, members of the military and intelligence services who openly speak out against the president are hailed as heroes. Leaking to harm the administration is considered a moral imperative. Mainstream figures have openly urged military commanders to disobey orders from the president.

The commander in chief is receiving pushback against his intent to ban transgender enlistment from one of his top subordinates.

Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Paul Zukunft announced Tuesday that he would not “break faith” with the transgender members of his service. The Coast Guard only has 13 trans service members, and it’s not entirely clear what will happen to them once the president’s order is implemented.

But it is very peculiar a high-profile figure like Admiral Zukunft would state he may refuse to follow an order from his commander in chief.


  1. Ummm. I am thinking that is a Courts Martial coming if ever I saw one. Regardless of the clean up job the president is doing is objectionable to some , it was needed to get the services back into the mode of what they do best. Not to take part in a social experiment in a traditionally structured environment were orders are obeyed without question

    1. He needs a talking to, but so far hasn't refused.

  2. Also read that he is an AGW warmist and is upset over Trumps removing the US from the global warming club. What is the Coast Guard equivalent of an Army Captain?...make it so and then make him a civilian. He could always work for Gore. indyjonesouthere

    1. warmist and is upset over Trumps removing the US from the global warming club.\

      Another braindead liberal. Thanks.

  3. There are no orders from Trump regarding transgender service people. There is only a tweet. Gen Joe Dunford has said he has received no orders on the subject. Once an order has been given let's see what the policy is for those transgenders already in service. I don't support transgenders, or gays for that matter, in the service, but once sworn in they are our people and should be treated with the same respect due all service members.

    1. Once an order has been given let's see what the policy is for those transgenders already in service.

      Strange nothing has surfaced so far.
